Why I Support: Reading is Fundamental

For years now, my charity of choice has been Reading is Fundamental (RIF), a non-profit focused on generating awareness of children’s literacy. Through them, I learned that 25 million children in the US cannot read proficiently, and it breaks my heart. I truly believe that reading is life-changing, and in my own small way, I can help by supporting this charity.


Why I Support: Reading is Fundamental

Focus on children's literacy

I love the fact that RIF focuses on the urgent issue of children's literacy. Numerous studies (here and here) and conventional wisdom points to the life-long positive impact of fostering a child's love of reading. I try to be mindful of this with my own young kids.

Free literary resources

RIF also creates content-rich online resources for educators, parents, and readers. Tied to specific children's books, these free resources include lesson plans, reading passages, calendars, and videos.

Striving for local impact

RIF partners with local communities to distribute hundreds of millions of books into the hands of tens of millions of children across the country. Because oftentimes, it is simply a matter of access.

Engaging with individual volunteers, sites, community groups, and organizations that share our passion to ensure that impact is felt at the local level.
— Reading is Fundamental

So for this holiday season, consider giving a donation to RIF (I'm sure it's tax-deductible). And if you're looking for that perfect gift for the special people in your life, consider giving to RIF in their names--I would love a gift like this (hint, hint) :-)

Let's chat!

What charity is near and dear to your heart?

How else can we nurture a child's love of reading?